My Story
Hi, my name is Eduardo Rivera Aponte. I'm a twenty-two-year-old Puerto-Rican Graphic Designer with a huge passion for the world of digital arts. I studied Digital Graphic Design at Atlantic University College. Growing up, I always had a passion for working on projects. I stayed up all night editing videos for my YouTube channel back then, but the part i most enjoyed about the process was opening Photoshop and trying to come up with creative ideas for a YouTube thumbnail. Some years later, in 2019 I found out about Graphic Design and instantly knew that's what I wanted to focus on. I devoted 4 years into a bachelor degree in Digital Graphic design, refining my designing skills. Started Working for Boys & Girls Clubs of Puerto Rico as a Graphic design and promotion developer.

The rest is history...

I specialize in branding, but also work with illustrations and composition design.